U.S. Heraldic Registry � Category/US?
Category: US
- O'Brien, Brandon P.
- -Taylor, Warren Eugene
- Aberle, Kenneth Eugene (1927-2007)
- Aberle, Lillian Linnea, née Carlson (1900-1994)
- Ablaze Academy
- Acuff, Peter Zebulon
- Adams, Jason Garrett, Sr.
- Adams, John (1735-1826)
- Adams, John Quincy (1767-1848)
- Addington, Isaac (1646-1715)
- Aeilts, Richard Ben, Jr.
- Alabama, The State of, United States of America
- Albion College
- Altona, Tori Lindberg
- Ambassadorial Society, The
- America (magazine), America Press, Inc.
- Anderson, Albert E. (1890-1969)
- Anderson, Hannah Marie, née Flyckt (1899-1964)
- Andreou, Kimon Alexander
- Angel, David Wayne
- Anne Arundel County Fire Department - Special Operations
- Anselm, Catherine Marie
- Anselm, George
- Antram, Lisa Anne Mary Katherine
- Appleton, David B.
- Apthorp, Mary, née Mansbridge
- Archer, Scott Lee
- Archondous, Linnea , née Safsten
- Argueta, Bruce
- Arlington, Roman Catholic Diocese of, Virginia
- Associators
- Atlanta, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of, Georgia
- Baker, William Robert, Sr.
- Baldwin, Terry L.
- Ballif, Trevor Michael
- Ballinger, Christopher Scott
- Ballinger, Glenease Anne, née Bachschmidt
- Barge, Lewis
- Baria, Manish Bhupendra
- Barker, Robert
- Barkley, John
- Barnes, Clifford R.
- Barnes, Patrick
- Barnes, Wayne L.
- Barry University
- Bassett, Charles (1824-1872)
- Bassett, Charles (1824-1909)
- Bassett, William (c. 1620-1684)
- Baughman, Paul Jeffrey
- Beach, Isaac (-1735)
- Beck, Randell Earl
- Beech, Shaerna, née Safsten
- Beer, Rachelle, née Safsten
- Behel, Thomas Lowell, Jr.
- Beitel, Michael Bruce
- Belcher, Andrew (1648-1717)
- Belcher, Jonathan (1682-1757)
- Bell, Douglas Graham
- Bell, Douglas Graham, Jr.
- Benedict, Orlando Ivan
- Besinaiz, Brandon Noah
- Besinaiz, Franko
- Besinaiz, Gil Loa
- Besinaiz, Joe M. (1918-1987)
- Besinaiz, Marcial Nathan
- Besinaiz, Marcial Noah
- Besinaiz, Matthew Lamb
- Besinaiz, Stéphane Koch
- Besinaiz, Stephen Michael
- Beste, Robert Culbertson
- Bjork, Miriam, née Safsten
- Blackard, Robert Anthony
- Blanton, Philip Douglas
- Blessed Sacrament Roman Catholic Parish
- Bloswick, Christopher D., Jr.
- Blue, David MacDowell
- Bohn, Jay Bently
- Bombach, Paul
- Bonnie, Michael
- Borland, Francis (1691-1763)
- Boston College
- Boston College
- Boston University
- Boven, Beth Ellen, née Francis
- Boven, David Thomas
- Boven, James Henry
- Boven, Michael James
- Bowman, Amos Alvin (1907-1973)
- Boyle, Michael Joseph, Jr.
- Brady, Hugh L.
- Brady, James Mack
- Brattle, Thomas (1658-1713)
- Brattle, Edward (1670-1719)
- Bressler, Barry Lee
- Brewster, William
- Brignone, Kerstin, née Safsten
- Brinley, Francis
- Brinley, Mary, née Borden
- Britton, Catherine Ann
- Britton, John
- Britton, William Harris, III (1935-1999)
- Broadfoot, John William, Jr.
- Broadfoot, Larry Meadows
- Broadfoot, Peter Donaldson
- Broadfoot, Ruth Elizabeth, née Galbreath
- Broadfoot, William
- Broadfoot, William Clifton
- Brooks, Timothy Wayne
- Brown University
- Brown, Angela Kaye
- Brown, Braden Jack
- Brown, Ellen Ruth
- Brown, John
- Brown, Logan Max
- Brown, Samuel
- Bryley, Clinton James
- Bryley, Derrick 'Quinton'
- Bryley, Dylon Zachary
- Bryley, Kendall Isaac
- Buchan, James William (1925-2001)
- Bucoy, Ramon Bernardo
- Burlington, Roman Catholic Diocese of, Vermont
- Burnside, Scott Gerald
- Burroughs, Ollie C.
- Burroughs, Ollie Clinton
- Burroughs, Ollie Clinton
- Burroughs, Paula Kaye, née Landers
- Burrows, Paul D.
- Burt, Kevin James
- Byles, Charles Newton
- Byles, Elvin Mason
- Cadillac, General Motors
- Caldwell, George (1655-1721)
- Cannon, Harold Neally
- Cardwell, Leslie Annette
- Carlson, John Erick (c. 1860- 1919)
- Carnehl, Benjamin Kaiser
- Carrasco, Jesse
- Cassidy, John Vincent (1915-1967)
- Celtic American Cultural Club of the University of Connecticut
- Center for Historical Fencing, The
- Center, Leslie Taylor
- Chalinder, John Jenkins
- Chamberlain, John (1654-1712)
- Chapulin, Loren
- Charles City, County of, Virginia
- Charleston, Roman Catholic Diocese of, South Carolina
- Checkley, Anthony (1636-1708)
- Chicago, The City of, Illinois
- Chicago, University of
- Chichester, Robert
- Childs, David Michael
- Childs, Dominic Matthew
- Childs, Douglas Mason
- Christy, Mark
- Chute, Thomas
- City University of San Francisco
- Clark, Jonathan Logan
- Clark, Michael Albert
- Clark, Roy Malcolm
- Clayborn, John Kevin
- Clayborn, Johnathan James
- Cleveland, Stephen Grover (1837-1908)
- Clinton, William Jefferson (1946-)
- Cloyd, Mark Stephan
- Coats, Robert B., II
- Cochran, John Douglas
- Cohen, Michael Joseph
- Colepeper, Thomas
- Collins, Arian Evan
- Columbia School of General Studies
- Columbia University
- Connecticut, The State of, United States of America
- Conservative Army
- Cook, Elisha (1637-1715)
- Cook, Elizabeth, née Leverett (1651-1715)
- Cooke, Francis
- Coombs, Simrall Anderson, Sr.
- Corcoran, Rita Rose
- Cordy-Collins, Alana
- Cornell University
- Covington, Christopher Ron
- Craven, Jonathan
- Crofts, Henry (-1702)
- Crook, John Jesse
- Crooks, Darrell
- Crooks, Matthew Brian
- Crowley, James Irvin
- Crowley, Marion Lee
- Crump-Bertram, Jennifer Ford
- Cubbedge, William Allan
- Currey, Andrew Kipling
- Curry College
- Cutting, James
- Dailey, Andrew
- Dallemagne, Paul Charles
- Dann, John (1792-1870)
- Dartmouth College
- Dartt, William Harley
- DaSilva, Jonatas DeSouza Dias
- Davidson, County of, State of North Carolina
- Davis, Daniel Scott Patrick
- Davis, James Pinkney
- Davis, Thomas Pinkney
- Day, Maria Venus, née Quejada
- De Marco, Robert James
- de Souza, Phillip John
- Dehn, Douglas Michael
- Delaware, The State of, United States of America
- Delbarton School
- DelMonte, Daniel Joseph
- DelMonte, David Arthur
- DelMonte, Lisa Ann
- DelMonte, Mark Anthony
- DelMonte, Michael Ceasare
- DelMonte, Michael Rocque
- Delta Gamma Pi
- Derbyshire, Thomas James, Jr.
- Doland, Alexia Hope
- Doland, Jay Lee
- Doland, Jay Lee
- Doland, Reta Jean, née Geerhart
- Dominican University
- Donoho, Thomas Charles
- Dorman, Sean Dixon
- Dory-Powers, Cathleen Anne
- Drew University
- Driver, Ronald Craig
- Drummond, William Cleave
- Dudley, Joseph (-1720)
- Dudley, Rebecca, née Tyng (1651-1722)
- Dugan/Acheson, David Lee (1923-1999)
- Duke University
- DuLong, John P.
- Dummer, William
- Duncan, Joseph Allen
- Duncan, Troy Von
- Duncan, Zachary Wayne
- Dunster, Henry (1609-1659)
- Durand, Jean (1664-1727)
- Dyer, Giles (-1713)
- Dyer, Richard Ernie
- Eastman, Duane Eugene
- Edgewood College
- Eiland, Murray Lee, III
- Eisenhower, Dwight D. (1890-1969)
- Elder Family Association
- Elder, Alexander Edward
- Elder, Charles Edward
- Elder, Gina Evone
- Elder, Graylanda Evette
- Elder, Graylen Edward
- Elder, James Edward, III
- Elder, James Edward, Jr.
- Elder, James Edward, Sr.
- Elder, Kimberly Diahann
- Elder, Michael Edward
- Ellis, Blake Andrew
- Ellis, Evan Charles
- Ellis, Evan McConnell
- Ellis, Gabrielle
- Ellis, Gavin Rhys Alexander
- Ellis, Hunter Benjamin
- Ellis, Jamin K.
- Ellis, Pierce Hanon
- Ellis, Robin, née Pitre
- Ellis, Tristan Bailey
- Ellis, Wallace
- Ellis-Morrison, Alexander P.
- Ellis-Morrison, Alexander Paul
- Emory University
- Entzminger, Jared
- Episcopal Church, United States of America
- Eplett, David K.
- Evans, Edward
- Fabin, Joel T
- Fabriova, Renatka Katarina
- Fagan Clans Association
- Fagan Clans Association (badge)
- Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr.
- Fales, Robert Ross
- Feeser, Andrea Elizabeth
- Ferguson, Abby Michelle
- Fishburne Military School
- Flanagan, Michael Robert
- Flos Carmeli Home School
- Fontenot, Gwendolyn Marie, née Elder
- Forand, Michael Joseph
- Ford, Jessica
- Ford, Melinda Patrina Meskel
- Ford, Scott Thomas
- Ford, William
- Fordham University
- Forgette, Steven Michael
- Forrester, Claude Preston
- Forrester, James Keith
- Forrester, James William
- Foster, John (1648-1711)
- Foster, Susannah, née Hawkins
- Franck, Egmond A.
- Frazier, William James
- Fredericksburg, City of, Virginia
- Frixzell, John
- Frost, Charles (1683-1705)
- Fugate, Crosby
- Gaddy, Sidney Warren
- Gallagher, Timothy Paul
- Gambos, Mason Edward
- Ganser, Joseph
- Gardner, David Franklin
- Garner, William Roma
- Garrison, Boyd Sylvester
- Gasque, Levi Lovelace (Love) (1819-1888)
- Gee, Joshua (-1722/3)
- Gee, LaMont Lynn
- Gentry, Brandon Mikel
- Gentry, Ryan Preston
- Gentry, Walker Patrick
- George, Michael Peter
- Gibbens, Karissa Dawn McGoff
- Giebe, John M. "Jack"
- Gill, Daniel Christopher
- Gilman School
- Glascock, Samuel Downing
- Glass, Thomas Charles, Jr.
- Glendale, The City of, California
- Godfrey, Mark Robert
- Godjas, Stephen
- Gonzaga College High School
- Good, Anne
- Good, Jonathan
- Grabert, Janevieve
- Grace Memorial Episcopal Church, Portland, Oregon
- Grays Harbor College
- Green-Rodriguez, Alex
- Griego, Shirley Stella
- Griego-Martinez, Steven Daniel
- Griffith, Thomas Ray, II
- Guest, James Lynn, II
- Guest, Jennifer Lynn
- Guiding Light Ministries
- Guilford, County of, State of North Carolina
- Haley III, Joseph W. Lindsay
- Hall, Christopher Lynn
- Hall, Eric Joseph
- Hall, Steven Thomas
- Hammond, George Herbert
- Hammond, Jeremy Keith
- Hammontree, James Wheeler
- Hanson, David Peter
- Hardin, Robert Allen
- Harmeyer, Ronald Jay
- Harpe, Daniel E.
- Harris, Kelly Eugene
- Harris, Sean Leigh
- Harrison, Benjamin (1833-1901)
- Harrison, William Henry (1773-1841)
- Harvard Cabot House
- Harvard Adams House
- Harvard Anime Society
- Harvard Bulgarian Club
- Harvard College
- Harvard Currier House
- Harvard Divinity School
- Harvard Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences
- Harvard Dudley House
- Harvard Dunster House
- Harvard Eliot House
- Harvard Extension School
- Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
- Harvard Graduate School of Design
- Harvard Graduate School of Education
- Harvard Institute for Learning in Retirement
- Harvard John F. Kennedy School of Government
- Harvard Kirkland House
- Harvard Law School
- Harvard Leverett House
- Harvard Lowell House
- Harvard Mather House
- Harvard Memorial Church
- Harvard Organ Society
- Harvard Pforzheimer House
- Harvard Quincy House
- Harvard Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Studies
- Harvard School of Business
- Harvard School of Dental Medicine
- Harvard School of Medicine
- Harvard School of Public Heath
- Harvard University
- Harvard Winthrop House
- Harvard-Radcliffe Gilbert and Sullivan Players
- Harvey, Henry
- Hauser, William Corell
- Heisel, Robyn
- Henderson née Griggs, Kathleen Lee
- Henderson, Mark Anthony
- Hendricks, Bryan Tyse
- Henry Dunster Society
- Henry, William Bain, Jr.
- Hernandez, Reinaldo Manuel
- Hiles, Raymond Leander
- Hill, Larry Dean
- Hillenbrand, Edward Eric
- Hilton, Mark Edward
- Holbrook, Kevin Blake
- Holbrook, Robert Ray
- Holmes, Michael Dayton, and Genta Hawkins Holmes
- Honolulu, Roman Catholic Diocese of, Hawaii
- Hoopes, Camille, née Safsten
- Hossam, Mohamed el Din Mohamed
- Hougas, Thomas E
- Howard, Bryan P.
- Howard, Michael John
- Huggins, Robert Richard
- Hughes, Robert Glen
- Hurst, John
- Hutchinson, Eliakim
- Hutchinson, Elisha (1641-1717)
- Hutchinson, Nicholas T.
- Hutchinson, William (1645-)
- Imbleau, Dale Eugene
- Ingram, Lawrence Quinn
- Irwin, Dudley Marvin (1860 - 1945)
- Irwin, William (1700 - 1787)
- Jacobsen, Arnt
- Jeffs, Brian Gaylord
- Jekyll, John
- John's, Community of, Michigan
- Johns Hopkins University
- Johnson, James Riley
- Johnson, James Riley McShane
- Johnson, Jameson Riley McShane
- Johnson, Lyndon B. (1908-1973)
- Jones, Charles Jeffrey
- Jones, Cody Russell
- Jones, Mitchell Russell
- Jones, Rodney Mark
- Kamel-Kelisli-Morali, Hassan
- Kane, Kevin Rolland
- Kane, Rolland Louis
- Kantrow, Joseph
- Kasparek, Rick Edward
- Kasparek, William Lavern
- Katalenich, Michael Aaron
- Keahey, John Robert Jackson (1817-1895)
- Kelly, Gilbert
- Kennedy, John F. (1915-1963)
- Kennedy, Peter Gordon
- Kenyon College
- Kersnick, Kristofer Daniel McGoff
- Kersnick, Mykel Andrew
- Kersnick, Robert Andrew
- Kersnick, Samantha Ellen McGoff
- Kilby, Christopher (1704-1771)
- Kline, Joseph R.
- Kneeland, Thomas
- Knight, Nora Jane, née Odom
- Knoxville, Roman Catholic Diocese of, Tennessee
- Koehler, Robert Taylor
- Koehler, Sara Elizabeth
- Krouse, Brian Andrew
- Krouse, Chad Michael
- Kudlick, Jeremy
- Kyle Family Society
- LaFave, Matthew Carey
- Lambert, Benjamin A.
- Lawrence University
- Lawton, Gary Paul
- Leeds, Craig S.
- Legg, John (1645-1718)
- Lemmon, Joseph (1715-1772)
- Leverett, Anna, née Sedgewick
- Lewis & Clark College
- Lewis, Lawrence
- Light, Richard Douglas
- Liquet, Acisclo
- Lluvera, David Joseph
- Long, James Blakeley
- Lorenz, Andrew Francis
- Lorenz, Andrew Francis Harold
- Los Angeles, The City of, California
- Loy, Gary Edwin
- Loyola College in Maryland
- Lucas, James Walter
- Lujan, Edward
- Lumbley, Lee Thurman
- Lux, Thomas Anthony
- Lyman, Thomas R.
- Macalester College
- MacGoff, Dennis Christopher
- MacLaomainn, Paris James Fionnlagh
- MacLea, James Brown (1859-1926)
- Mahony, Dianna Lynn Joanna Gonzales
- Maine, The State of, United States of America
- Makepeace, Jonathan David
- Manduley, Octavio Enrique
- Mangahis, Renato Barraquio
- Mansale, John
- Mansfield, Kenneth Franklin
- Marasco, Nelson
- Marcenaro, Houston James
- Marcenaro, Lila Claire
- Marcenaro, Osvaldo Enrique
- Marsh, Randal Charles
- Marsh, Robert Peter
- Martin, Jeffery Andrew
- Martinez, Dolores
- Martinoff, Frank
- Maryland, The State of, United States of America
- Massachusetts, The Commonwealth of, United States of America
- Maupin, Luke
- McAdam, Gilbert
- McAfee, Jerry Arnold
- McCarthy, Evan
- McClurg, Brian Matthew
- McClurg, Timothy Michael
- McClurg, Amanda Katharine
- McClurg, Caitlin Elaine
- McClurg, Frederick Henry
- McClurg, Kathleen Anne
- McClurg, Kelly Elizabeth
- McClurg, Shannon Laura
- McGoff, George Damien
- McGoff, George Daniel Lujan
- McGoff, George Dennis
- McGoff, George Francis
- McGoff, George William
- McGoff, Henry (1830-1929)
- McGoff, Patrick Lee
- McGoff, Rachel Lujan
- McGoff, Sionnan Martinez
- McGoff, Vanessa Lujan
- McGoff-Mora, Lisitte Ann
- McGrath, Edward
- McHenry, Alexander James
- McHenry, Cory Lyman
- McHenry, Logan Cole
- McHenry, Randall James
- McHenry, Randall William
- McLaughlin, Robin Gregory
- McMenamin, Andrew J.
- McMillan, Rustem Warthen (1872-1928)
- Meadows, James Randall
- Meadows, John Morgan Sebastian
- Memphis, Roman Catholic Diocese of, Tennessee
- Mencotti, Deborah Joy
- Merchant, Sanjay Vijay
- Merlina, Brett Austin
- Meserve, Solomon Willis
- Meskel, Claude Eugene
- Meskel, John James, Jr.
- Meskel, John James, Sr.
- Meskel, Laura Ellen
- Meskel, Martin William
- Meskel, Michael James
- Meskel, Patrick (1843-1886)
- Meskel, Patrick Joseph
- Meskel, Timothy Michael Patrick
- Metcalf, Belkis Emelda Tejada
- Metcalf, Leander Alfice
- Metcalf, Leander Alfice, II
- Metcalf, Lyonel Aldwin
- Michigan, The State of, United States of America
- Michigan, University of
- Middlecott, Richard (1640-1704)
- Middleton, Arthur (1742-1787)
- Mill, Trevor Allen
- Mirecourt, Inc.
- Missouri, The State of, United States of America
- Molloy College
- Monterey, City of, California
- Moody, David Leonard
- Moritz, Edward Anthony
- Morrow, Andrew
- Morrow, Sandra
- Mountfort, Jonathan (-1722/3)
- Mueller, Dennis Michael
- Munn, Magnus
- Murphey, Michael Ashford
- Murray State University
- Murrell, Jeannine Louise
- Murtha, Edward Martin
- Napier, Conor Joseph
- Nashville, Roman Catholic Diocese of, Tennessee
- Nevada Department of Corrections
- New Jersey, The State of, United States of America
- New York, The State of, United States of America
- Newton, John Thomas, Jr.
- Nixie, Sean Matthew
- Norbut, Alan Michael
- Norden, Nathaniel (1653-1728)
- North Carolina State University Department of Civil Engineering
- North Carolina, The Senate of
- North Dakota, The State of, United States of America
- Notre Dame Library of the Medieval Institute
- Notre Dame, University of
- Nybroten, Arvid Ole
- O'Connor, Christopher Liam
- O'Delaney-Advincula, CarLin L.
- O'Shea, Patrick Michael
- Ohio State University
- Olivo, Mark Anthony
- Olson, Dane
- Open University of the Antilles
- Osborne, Edward Wayne
- Overmyer, Matthew S.
- Overstreet, Charles Enoch
- Owen, John
- Paige, Nicholas (-1717)
- Palmore, Ronnie Wayne
- Pancella, Angela Frances
- Paprocki, James Thomas
- Pashko, Theodore James
- Paulhus, Sean
- Pearce High School
- Pearce High School Robotics Club
- Pearn, Henry
- Pell, Edward (1687-)
- Penn, William (1644-1718)
- Pennsylvania Du Bois College House
- Pennsylvania Fisher Hassenfeld College House
- Pennsylvania Gregory College House
- Pennsylvania Harnwell College House
- Pennsylvania Harrison College House
- Pennsylvania Hill College House
- Pennsylvania Kings Court English College House
- Pennsylvania Riepe College House
- Pennsylvania Rodin College House
- Pennsylvania Stouffer College House
- Pennsylvania Ware College House
- Pennsylvania, The Commonwealth of, United States of America
- Pennsylvania, University of
- Pepperell, William (-1759)
- Perego, Benjamin Jesse
- Perez-Ramirez, Bernardo Jose
- Peterson, Nathaniel Lee
- Pfluger, Maria Christina Meskel
- Pfluger, Samuel
- Phemister, Larry Lamont
- Phillips, Samuel (-1720)
- Phips, Spencer (1685-1751)
- Pickman, Benjamin
- Pilant, Leonard Thurman
- Pilcher, Gregory A.
- Place, Carroll Arthur (1920-2001)
- Ploysongsang, Edward Thiravej
- Pole, John (1630-1711)
- Pollock, Alexandra Marie
- Pollock, Clifford Raymond
- Pollock, Robert Darrel
- Potts, Henry Alexander
- Potts, Randy Lee
- Powell, Randall Willard
- Powell, Silas (1788-1862)
- Power et alia Y-DNA Project: I1a Haplogroup Group 3
- Power et alia Y-DNA Project: I1a Haplogroup Group 2
- Power et alia Y-DNA Project: I1a Haplogroup Group 1
- Power et alia Y-DNA Project: I1a Haplogroup Group 4
- Power et alia Y-DNA Project: R1a Haplogroup Group 1
- Power et alia Y-DNA Project: R1b Haplogroup John Power Senior
- Power et alia Y-DNA Project: R1b Haplogroup Joseph Powers ...
- Power et alia Y-DNA Project: R1b Haplogroup Michael Powers
- Power et alia Y-DNA Project: R1b Haplogroup Walter Power ...
- Power, Guy Harold
- Powers, John Thomas (1935-2001)
- Powers, Timothy Michael Anselm
- Preble, Peter-Michael
- Princeton Butler College
- Princeton Forbes College
- Princeton Mathey College
- Princeton Rockefeller College
- Princeton University
- Princeton Wilson College
- Pritchard, David Ashley
- Pritchard, Dorothy Louise, née Wegmann
- Pritchard, Edward James
- Project 2,996
- Purcell, Charles William
- Quigley, Michael Joseph
- Racine-Belle City Masons
- Rakestraw, Quentin Read
- Rapparlie, Michael Paul
- Ravin, Martin Ira
- Reagan, Ronald Wilson (1911-2004)
- Redgate, Thomas Joseph
- Reichard, William Frederick, II
- Reierson, Keith William
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- Rhode Island, The State of, United States of America
- Rice University
- Rice University, Baker College
- Rice University, Brown College
- Rice University, Hanszen College
- Rice University, Harry Carothers Wiess College
- Rice University, Martel College
- Rice University, Mary Gibbs Jones College
- Rice University, Richardson College
- Richards, Anna, née Winthrop (1649-1704)
- Richards, Michael
- Richards, Thomas (1670-1714)
- Richmond, Roman Catholic Diocese of, Virginia
- Roanoke College
- Robert McKenzie Davis
- Robinson, Jaron
- Rocco, Michael John
- Roe, Dale Challener
- Roe, Dennis Elwin
- Roedl, Thomas
- Rogers, David Lee
- Rogers, Jeffrey William
- Rogon, John R.
- Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (1882-1945)
- Roosevelt, Theodore (1858-1919)
- Roswell, Henry
- Rotea, Louis Gerard Cusio
- Rowland, Rowena Conception
- Safsten, Daniel
- Safsten, Gary
- Safsten, Kaarin
- Safsten, Mark
- Safsten, Richard
- Safsten, Robert
- Safsten, Robert G. (1930-2007)
- Saint-David, Stewart Addington
- Salt Lake City, Roman Catholic Diocese of, Utah
- San Diego, The City of, California
- Sargent, Anna, née Shrimpton
- Sargent, Mary, née Spencer (1651-1703)
- Sargent, Peter (1667-1714)
- Sarros, Terrence L.
- Savage, Jeffery
- Savage, Thomas (1640-1705)
- Schaefer, Jeffrey Alexander Noel
- Schaefer, Nathaniel Edward
- Schaefer, William Boyd
- Scherer, Kenneth Michael
- Schmid, Albert Wheatcroft Acklen
- Schmid, Bennett Neil
- Schmid, Michael Stuart Henry
- Schmid, Thomas Henderson
- Schmid, Thomas Richard
- Schneider, Stephen V.
- Schweitzer, David Joseph
- Schweitzer, Eric Shawn
- Schweitzer, Jonah Mathew
- Schweitzer, Karen Elaine
- Schweitzer, Ryan David
- Schweitzer, Shannon Troy
- Schwertfeger, David Mark
- Sedacca, Angelo Anthony
- Sedacca, Patricia Carvajal
- Seibel, Daniel Andrew
- Sellers, Charles Murphy, Jr.
- Selwyn, John
- Seymour, William Allen
- Shelomi, Matan
- Sherlock, Clarence Wigmore
- Sherlock, Donald Wilbur
- Sherlock, Jonathan Wigmore
- Shorey, David Ryan
- Sides, Matthew
- Sievert, Mark Earl
- Silvia, Todd Michael
- Skinner, William
- Slisinger, Andrea O.
- Smith, Bradley Frederick
- Smith, Everett Eugene, II
- Smith, Everett Eugene, III
- Smith, Ivan
- Smith, Jared Braynden
- Smith, Jasper Edmund, III
- Smith, Matthew James
- Smith, Michael A.
- Smith, Michael Robert Snyder
- Snedden, Stephanie Alderamin
- Snyder, Larry L.
- Snyder, Lyle Eldred
- Solberg-Bell, Douglas Evan
- Soltinstoll, Gordon (1666-1724)
- Sonnefeld, Fredrick L.
- Southeast Florida, Episcopal Diocese of
- Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Spalding, Amanda Meskel
- Spooner, Brandon
- Sprague, Edward (1662-1715)
- Springettsbury Township, York County, Pennsylvania
- St. Andrew's School, Boca Raton, Florida
- St. Augustine, City of, Florida
- St. Edwards University
- St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Fairbury, Illinois
- St. Johns, The County of, Florida
- St. Thomas, Roman Catholic Diocese of, Virgin Islands
- Stanford Graduate Division
- Stanford Graduate School of Business
- Stanford School of Earth Sciences
- Stanford School of Education
- Stanford School of Engineering
- Stanford School of Humanities and Sciences
- Stanford School of Law
- Stanford School of Medicine
- Stanford University
- Staples, Laurie Marie, née DelMonte
- Staub, Joseph Niel
- Stebner, Clifford
- Steltzer, Angela L.
- Stepanian, Kirk Charles
- Stoddard, Elizabeth, née Evans
- Stoddard, David (-1722/3)
- Stoddard, Elizabeth, née Roberts (-1713)
- Stolarz, Joshua Phillip
- Stone, Gregory Byron
- Strange, Sarah Brady
- Strickland, Jason Mathew
- Strunk, John T.
- Stuart, Norton Arlington, III
- Sturton, Edward
- Sullivan, Joseph Buckner
- Svanström, Hugo Ferdinand
- Swanson, Michael Conrad
- Swanson, Michael Conrad
- Swanstrom, Justin Cleve de Beauharnais
- Swanstrom, Shirley Jeanne
- Sweetser, Wigglesworth (1677-)
- Swendra, Cynthia Annette, née Kasparek
- Sybalsky, Jill Marci
- Tailor, William (1677-1732)
- Tansey, Donald J.
- Taye, John
- Taylor, Daniel Ray
- Taylor, Jennifer Lynn
- Teeselink, Dean Brian
- Texas at Austin, The University of
- Thomas, Henry
- Tilestone, James (1675-1739)
- Tolle, Klaryssa Nikole
- Tomac Financial Group, Inc.
- Transom, George Edward
- Trujillo, Abram
- Trujillo, Isaac
- Tucker, Cary Winans
- Tucker, Tracy Edward
- Tuinier, Jack Herbert Martin
- Turbyfill, Robert Reeves
- Tuttle, Zechariah
- Tyng, Jonathan (1642-1723/4)
- Udenberg, Christina Jo
- Underwood, Jonathan Allen
- United States Heraldic Registry
- United States Military Academy
- United States of America, The
- Urciuoli, Alexander William
- Urciuoli, George Richard
- Urquidi, Douglas C.
- Vaillancourt, Joshua Allen
- van der Merwede, Albert Michael
- van der Merwede, George Henry, III
- Van Roekel, James Lowell
- Vanderbilt University
- Vargas, Alejandro, Jr.
- Vermont, The State of, United States of America
- Vidal-Benedict, Enid Maria
- Villacorta, Pedro Enrique R.
- Virginia, The Senate of
- von Mises, Ludwig Heinrich Edler (1881-1973)
- Wade, Anna (1685-)
- Waldron, Richard (1650-1730)
- Walker, Alysha
- Walker, Ayden Leo
- Walker, Clifford E.
- Walker, Dennis Leo
- Walker, Donald Lee
- Walker, Douglas
- Walker, Janice
- Walker, Lucas Charles
- Walker, Randall Scott
- Walker, Richard E.
- Walker, Sarah Katherine
- Walker, Stephen A. (1955-2000)
- Walters, Isaac H
- Wandesforde-Smith, Geoffrey
- Wandesforde-Smith, Geoffrey and Margaret
- Ward, Thomas Weldon
- Warren, Donald Allen
- Washington & Jefferson College
- Washington and Lee University
- Washington University in St Louis
- Washington, George (1732-1799)
- Wasson, Eric Paul
- Weeks, Maury Allen
- Wesleyan College
- Westgate, Rand Arthur
- Wheeling-Charleston, Roman Catholic Diocese of, West Virginia
- White, Andrew Gregory
- White, Kenneth Harry
- White, Samuel (1646-1720)
- Whithorn, George
- Wilkinson née Davis, Lisa K.
- William and Mary, The College of
- Williams, Carlyle Raymond (1911-1998)
- Williams, Daniel L.
- Williams, Gavin C.
- Williams, Jerry C.
- Williams, Patrick Reid
- Williams, Timothy
- Williamsburg, The City of, Virginia
- Wilson, Jeffrey Steven
- Winkelmann, Christopher Louis
- Winkelmann, John Paul
- Winslow, Joshua (-1769)
- Winthrop, Deane (1623-1704)
- Winthrop, Waitstill (1642-1717)
- Wisconsin, The State of, United States of America
- Witt, Catherine Ann
- Witt, Joseph Carl (b. 1891)
- Wood, John
- Wood, Stephen Keith
- Wyborn, Daniel (1674-1717)
- Xavier University of Louisiana
- Yale University
- Yale University, Berkeley College
- Yale University, Branford College
- Yale University, Calhoun College
- Yale University, Davenport College
- Yale University, Divinity School
- Yale University, Ezra Stiles College
- Yale University, Faculty of Engineering
- Yale University, Graduate and Professional Student Senate
- Yale University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
- Yale University, Jonathan Edwards College
- Yale University, Morse College
- Yale University, Physician Associate Program
- Yale University, Pierson College
- Yale University, Saybrook College
- Yale University, School of Architecture
- Yale University, School of Art
- Yale University, School of Drama
- Yale University, School of Forestry and Environmental Science
- Yale University, School of Law
- Yale University, School of Management
- Yale University, School of Medicine
- Yale University, School of Music
- Yale University, School of Nursing
- Yale University, School of Public Health
- Yale University, Silliman College
- Yale University, Timothy Dwight College
- Yale University, Trumbull College
- Yeomans, Elizabeth, née Shrimpton
- Zerwas, Gerhart Delano, Jr.