U.S. Heraldic Registry � Category/R?
- Harvard Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Studies
- Harvard-Radcliffe Gilbert and Sullivan Players
- Pearce High School Robotics Club
- Pennsylvania Riepe College House
- Pennsylvania Rodin College House
- Perez-Ramirez, Bernardo Jose
- Princeton Rockefeller College
- Racine-Belle City Masons
- Rakestraw, Quentin Read
- Rapparlie, Michael Paul
- Ravin, Martin Ira
- Reagan, Ronald Wilson (1911-2004)
- Redgate, Thomas Joseph
- Reichard, William Frederick, II
- Reierson, Keith William
- Rennehan, Barbara Kenny
- Rennehan, Joane
- Rennehan, Judith E.
- Rennehan, Richard L.
- Rennehan, Richard (1838 - 1924)
- Rennehan, Richard H.
- Rennehan, Vonda E.
- Renningham, Michael S.
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- Rhode Island, The State of, United States of America
- Rice University
- Rice University, Baker College
- Rice University, Brown College
- Rice University, Hanszen College
- Rice University, Harry Carothers Wiess College
- Rice University, Martel College
- Rice University, Mary Gibbs Jones College
- Rice University, Richardson College
- Richards, Anna, née Winthrop (1649-1704)
- Richards, Michael
- Richards, Thomas (1670-1714)
- Richmond, Roman Catholic Diocese of, Virginia
- Roanoke College
- Robinson, Jaron
- Rocco, Michael John
- Roe, Dale Challener
- Roe, Dennis Elwin
- Roedl, Thomas
- Rogers, David Lee
- Rogers, Jeffrey William
- Rogon, John R.
- Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (1882-1945)
- Roosevelt, Theodore (1858-1919)
- Roswell, Henry
- Rotea, Louis Gerard Cusio
- Rotea-Cusio, Louis Gerard
- Rourke, James William
- Rourke-Frew, Herbert William
- Rowland, Rowena Conception
- Rowlands, Derek Leith
- Stoddard, Elizabeth, née Roberts (-1713)
- Van Roekel, James Lowell